The process of assembling the panorama
Panorama Creation - is a complex process that can be divided into two stages:
Pan assembly, in turn, can be divided into several separate steps:
- convert video to a set of images (which requires a fair Disk Space)
- the opening of a set of images in the program and choosing the right view (rotation, reflection)
- determination of the background frame and the creation on its basis the background panorama
- the initial choice of the frame assembly and adjustment of parameters
- namely assembly process (for long the process can be time-consuming)
- record an intermediate result on the disc.
Editing consists of the following operations:
- Stitch the opening set (the set includes background panorama of raw and processed automatically panorama)
- Retouching and other operations
- Record result.
The meaning of editing is to correct flaws in the method of automatically separating objects from the background, followed by the replacement of a recurring fragment background on a monotone background.
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